What is the Core reason behind Celebrating Deepavali


Deepavali derived from the Tamil word "deepa vazhipadhu", in English The Light Culture. This literally means the way of enlightenment. There are many Purana based stories on the cause of celebration of the festival of lights or Deepavali, but did anyone of us actually understood the inner meaning of this day and cultivate it into us. Is deepavali just another day of gathering, offering food and chit chats with friends, family and foe's.

The Purana Story Says;

The killing of Narakasura: Celebrated as Naraka Chaturdashi, one day before Diwali, it commemorates the killing of the evil demon Narakasura, who wreaked havoc. Krishna's wife Satyabhama killed Narakasura during the Dwapara yuga. In another version of the belief, the demon was killed by Krishna or Krishna provoked his wife Satyabhama to kill Narshna, defeating Indradebated with the villagers about what their 'dharma' truly was. They were farmers, they should do their duty and concentrate on farming and protection of their cattle. He said that all human beings should do their 'karma' to the best of their ability and not pray for natural phenomenon. The villagers were convinced by Krishna, and did not proceed with the special puja (prayer). Indra was then angered, and flooded the village. Krishna lifted Mount Govardhan and held it up to protect the people and cattle from the rain. Indra finally accepted defeat and recognized Krishna as supreme. Although this aspect of Krishna's life is sometimes ignored[citation needed] it sets up the basis of the 'karma' philosophy later detailed in the Bhagavat Gita. (Adopted From Wikipedia) 

The inner meaning which i can realized here is that killing of Narakasura wasn't just like a battle between Gods and Demons but the battle of negativity within us. All the years passed by, there will be good and bad deeds which we have contributed. The preparation process for deepavali is an meditation towards forgoing our negative thought and cleansing our self for upliftment. On the eve of Deepavali many pray to the immediate ancestors with preparation of their favorite foods and cloths with the hope they will come to bless us. This is another process of calling upon them to  say that we are purified and ready to undergo the transformation. They also signify a ritual called boghi whereby many will burn away old cloths. The significance of this act ensures further that we are throwing away every old and unwanted and be prepared for enlightment.

On the Deepavali day, Hindu's practice applying oil to the body especially the top head. This is to ensure the oil cleanse all the passages of nadi's in our body. After this process, They will proceed to celebrate Ammavasa Prayers at temple or home. Again here they will be requesting the blessing of their entire linage to bless them for a better and prosperous future into enlightenment. Then they will invite and share foods with people they know to announce and celebrate with the statement that, I am going to be a changed person for a better future leaving behind all the bad deeds. This is one of the reasons why many people chose to liae with their foe's during this time asking for forgiveness.

In Summary, It is a day whereby one has to throw away all bad karma. Deepavali is the fusion between mind & time to enjoy anathanm by activating sushmana nadi (like the cracking of firecrackers). With the addition of asking forgiveness from the ancestors, friends and foe's for all improper deeds while dinning together to show their ego-less equality to state that "I am a changed person from today and I am approaching enlightenment  please help me to be a better person in life". This is the process exactly Satyabama went through prior to getting married to krishna. Killing demon is killing your bad deeds actually. When she was purified, Krishna accepted her as his wife. 

So are we still going to continue our journey just enjoying or are we going to start changing !!!!!!!

Lastly, Please listen to What Swami Haridhoss Giri has to say on human transformation. A true fact Indeed !!!!! (Watch From 26min)

Om Sree Nee Nath, Sri Padukam Pujayami


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