Nithya Kala Devi's Association In Sri Vidya

Om Sree Nee Nath ,

Who are Nithya Kala Devi's ?

Nithya Kala Devi's (Here After refered as NKD) are the divine attribution of the primordial of Sri Vidya Concept Divine Mother Maha Thirupura Sundari. As stated in my earlier texts the NKD's are linked to the phases of moon. 

Explanation of NKD's association with Sri Vidya traditon. 

NKD's are a huge part of the Sri Vidya tradition. The word "Sri" or Shree" denotes the number 16. It means the sixteen sets/aspects of knowledge. NKD's are 15 of them and each represents 15 phases of moon. The 16th aspect of the knowledge is the Divine Mother Maha Thirupura Sundari herself. I remember there is one quote about her mentioned by my Guruji stating that she is the beauty in the middle of the triangle. 

Triangle has 3 straight lines. Each of this lines denotes the three main nadi's in our body. Namely Idha Nadi (Devotion), Pingala Nadi (Knowledge) and Sushmana Nadi (Action). This three aspects represents the NKD's, which means the 15 of them are divided into three phases representing every nadi's in our body system. This could be also denoted to the 3 paths of the Sri Vidya Sect's which are Left Hand Path, Right Hand Path and The Middle Path. Each of this represents Devotional, Knowledge and The Action Path. 

Now there is 5 NKD's representing each aspects of the 3 told earlier. This 5 NKD's are the form of Panchabhuta's / 5 elements that are present on This Planet. They are Earth, Sky, Ether, Fire and Water. This means each element of the earth have 3 representation, one for each nadi. Well known to us that our body is made of this five elements. Each elements have its effects on a Human and they are controlled by the gravity of the Solar system and The Universe. Thus, in Sri Vidya each NKD's represent 15 aspects that are in control of the human eco system. The NKD's are system formulated to help the sadhaka/disciple's practicing Sri Vidya to understand this effects on the body system and ways to overcome the spiritual hurdle's.

Many claim or consider that Lord Shree Krishna is a Full Avatar of the Divine One itself because he posses the 15 aspects of wealth. This wealth is none other than the understanding and association with this 15 aspect of knowledge. The one left is the Divine Mother Herself. The most depth of all religion and the core of Universe itself. If one has to purify himself in many births to utter her name leave alone knowing and associating with her. In Hinduism, Only one person have had the opportunity who is the Lord Hyagriva. The Master who brought back the lost Veda's. He did it with the guidance of The Divine Mother Maha Thirupura Sundari Herself, such sacred is her identity. 

These are the basic knowledge of the how this 16 aspects of knowledge is associated with Sri Vidya. So, the sacred knowledge of Sri Vidya is about not only understanding the god but god in the form of This Entire Universe. How we can tap into this energies to help improve our spiritual progress eventually understanding the micro and macro. The name's of NKD's are already given in the previous posting below.

I hope those who are into this tradition or who wants to know more about this tradition can comment and drop their e-mail address so we can communicate for betterment.

In salutation to the lotus feet of Guruji.


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