Navarathiri 5th Day

The 5th day of Navarathiri event is usually denoted to Maha Nitya Karpagambal (Goddess Saraswathi). The above video is spoken in Tamil language. Guruji, speaks of his experience in spiritual life and his universal association with the Goddess energy. The goddess spoke " The hands which are writing is mine and the words are mine". This phrases is among several confirmation she gave to Guruji justifying his Universal connection with her. 

She is regards as the Goddess of Knowledge in Hindu culture, In Egyptian culture as Seshat and with other names around the cultures of The World. For many of Hindu's, I believe that Seshat isn't an alienated word. There is a sector of brahmins with their family tittle's as Seshatri. God's are one but languages and characters are many. Modernization and restructuring are the terminology taking place around the globe as time flies. This could be the differences in the names of Goddess in different cultures but the source which is eternal remains the same. It is documented that Goddess Seshat created the alphabets, an pictured with holding a writing equipment where as Goddess Saraswathi holds a book. They are depicted as the person who invented writings.


Looking at the picture of the Goddess, I came to understand a knowledge taught to me. What does this picture educate us ? Known for the prowess of knowledge, the goddess holds a sacred scripture. To achieve this scripture of absolute truth one has to transform themselves. First, pointing to the beads hold by her is normally used to calculate chanting or mostly empowering your energy. It should be used to concentrate our thought into one single bulls eye. That is Para-Brahmam. Devotedly concentrating, ensuring all the thought are singular on touching each bead,s will built the quality energy source within ourself.

Second, by doing the first step one tames his wild mind and nurtures the energy within to ensure that,  like the strings of veena only plays to the absolute one with the right knowledge synchronized to the sound and a melodic rhythm. This is a process whereby our nadi's which radiate our energy is cleansed to the level it can only be tweaked or penetrated by the divine energy. Anything other than divine will not be tuned well and will be rejected or overpowered. 

Third, The book of universal knowledge. This will be attained when both the energy within starts to develop and cleanser the nadi's in order to receive the universal energy which is being radiated thru space on to our body. This will ultimately bring down the great knowledge of wisdom, whereby with synchronized and rhythmic sound(Energy Forms/Wave Forms) achieved. The person who attain this will automatically blossom with a fragrance never before. No one who meets him could stop avoiding his knowledge. Maybe you won't able to understand it but definitely attraction will take place because of the rhythm and absolute synchronization with the ultimo energy. It's like to know what is IPAD but don't know how to use it. 

By hearing to his Holiness video in 2011 and with my understanding on the picture above I am able to briefly explain what Guruji is explaining on the video. Of course it has more knowledge and details but Hey I am still a person who only knows how to use Facebook on IPAD, not a IPAD Pro.

"OM SREE NEE NATH" an Humble serving to the Lotus Feet Of Guruji Shree Surya Narayanan.


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