Relation of Sri Vidya and "Om Sree Nee Nath" mantra.

Sri Vidya! A Sacred method and text that not easily attainable and understandable. Here I am narrating a small part of Sri Vidya to show how the Om Sree Nee Nath mantra can be explained thru this system which is very highly regarded in the Hindu community especially brahmana's(One's who learn vedic scripture's and live their life accordingly). In Sri Vidya tradition 3 things are very important The Sun, The Moon and The Fire. Everything derived in this scripture has a basis of these 3, whereby The Sun controls the time, Generally The moon controls the water level on earth and both heat and water base(Oil/Ghee) needed to develop a fire. The main deity of this tradition is Goddess Lallitha Thirupura Sundari (Young Maiden Who governs the 3 Cities).

In this tradition, there are also 15 Nithya Devi's who represent the form of her (Goddess Lalitha Thirupura Sundari) on different days representing different energy forms.Which scientifically is frequencies created from the movements in the universe and radiance of the Moon. This is clearly seen in bare eyes during the waxing and wanning of the moon. These Nithya Devi's are called :

  1. Kameswari Nithya (Dark Moon - 1st day)
  2. Bhagamalini Nithya (2nd day)
  3. Nithyaklinna Nithya (3rd day)
  4. Berunda Nithya (4th day)
  5. Vani Vashini Nithya (5th day)
  6. Maha Vajreswari Nithya(6th day)
  7.  Sivathooty Nithya (7th day)
  8. Tvarita Nithya (8th day)
  9. Kula Sundari Nithya (9th day)
  10. Nithya Nithya (10th day)
  11. Neela Pataka Nithya (11th day)
  12. Vijaya Nithya (12th day)
  13. Sarvamangala Nithya (13th day)
  14. Jvalamalini Nithya (14th day)
  15. Chitra Nithya (Pournami - 15th day)
  16. Lalithambal Nithya (The one who preside's over all day's)
Each faces of moon radiance have been identified and named with name of a deity to represent the frequencies being churned and transmitted due to movements of the planets, stars and also the radiance of Moon. The 16th deity Lalithambal Nithya serves as the one who is core for all this frequencies. These frequency has a direct impact on the sea waves or the tides. The sea level on a full moon day will be higher and the waves will be more rough. It makes more sense to say the gravities influence and even that has a set of waveforms. At this moment it can also mean that the gravity influence is not only subject to the water level of the sea but all living things inclusive of us. Whereby if this stop's or changes it can effect the food chain cycle. This culture can be also testified with herbal professional's who also have guideline's, whereby certain herbal's can be only plucked during certain day's. If a The Moon can control water it can also have higher direct or indirect reaction's to living things which have water base. Yes, Even humans are well connected.

Major part of our body is made of water, and our brains contains water base components with certain chemical reactions every time we move, speak or even think. This explains how the energies can control over us and also the whole planet. He who can achieve this state of having this 16 energies finding refuge into him the natha becomes well liberated for the daily chores or highs and lows of this world. He won't be disturbed by other's action, behavior and furthermore he can be seen at the same state of mind at all times.  These are merely the basic qualities a King should have what more if it is Dharma Raja(King Of Justice). He whom will be at a steady mind state no matter what issue's are presented whom are in the best state of mind to give solutions or make decisions.

As sacred and as knowledgeable Sri Vidya is, it has helped in explanation of the this mantra. Although what presented might look as easy as peanut but it's just a mere shallow of what Sri Vidya text's actually contains. Knowing what and why of anything will only lead you to the path of truth. The basis of chanting this mantra is to seek refuge or to create sound waves saluting the Natha(Dharma Raja) in order for him to gift us with the blessing of all this sixteen qualities/energies which will lead us to a much happier life by providing the right state of mind. It's because mind is where all start's, emotions to actions. Once it's stable nothing haunt's or hurt's the right manner of making moves flows like the ocean.

--Om Sree Nee Nath--


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