How is Shree/Sri related to Nithya Kala Devi's?
Om Sree Nee Nath,
I have written on this blog on Nithya Kala Devi, their 16 forms(Inclusive of Lalithambal Maha Nithya) and the 16 denotes the word "Shree or Sri". This could be confusing and there might be a rejection as I have not explained it in detail before.
What is the meaning of Shree ?
Shree can be divided into 2 words, SH and REE. It's similiar like splitting the word "Doing", whereby DO is stating an action and ING is the annotation that shows the action that is being performed. So, What is the action of the sound/word SH? SH is more a form of sound than just a word in our context. The sound "Shhhhh" is normally associated with the sound made from a snake. Yeah Snake! The serpent of kundalini shakti. Please refer to the picture below.
I have written on this blog on Nithya Kala Devi, their 16 forms(Inclusive of Lalithambal Maha Nithya) and the 16 denotes the word "Shree or Sri". This could be confusing and there might be a rejection as I have not explained it in detail before.
What is the meaning of Shree ?
Shree can be divided into 2 words, SH and REE. It's similiar like splitting the word "Doing", whereby DO is stating an action and ING is the annotation that shows the action that is being performed. So, What is the action of the sound/word SH? SH is more a form of sound than just a word in our context. The sound "Shhhhh" is normally associated with the sound made from a snake. Yeah Snake! The serpent of kundalini shakti. Please refer to the picture below.

There is two serpent energies in our body system according to ancient text. They are called Ida and Pingala. The basic knowledge of spiritualism which many have accepted and authorized. So, when a shadaka / upasaka gains control over his chakra's this serpent energy will rise. It has to rise equivalently in order for one to have awakening. Then what does REE means? The word RA appears to be used in many religion's across the world. In Eygpt, The Eye Of RA denotes the Sun God. In Skantism the word RA is used in Lord Muruga's kavasam song. Keeping this in mind, the word RA is used continuously in the song to activate the fire in one's body. Then Immediately it is followed by the word REE! REE is the sound waves that denotes water. Friends, RA and REE is sang in the kavasam to balance both fire and water in our body. Hence, in summary the word SHREE literally means activating the kundalini serpent representing water which is equivalent to IDA nadi. Therefore, usage of Shree in a name is to denote that person has activated or continuously activating their IDA nadi.
If SHREE means activating Ida Nadi then what about Pingala Nadi ? If not raised equally how can a person be Awakened?
Firstly, Nithya Kala Devi are refer in 2 different manner.
- as Maha Vidya, and
- as Maha Nithya.
How Nithya Kala Devi's Is Related To The Word Shree?
The Nithya Kala Devi's are associated with phases of The Moon. Henceforth, The Moon controls the water on earth. As the explanation given is in one of the blog post below. This explains to us clearly that Nithya Kala Devi's are strongly associated with SHREE and the person who carries the tittle should be a awakened soul, also be in continuous communion with the Universe!.